Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Five photos, consisting of Josh Keough, caribou, Nate Lanta, a section of highway and some trees! jk_ms_mm caribou_ nate_mugger-2 westbound tree_vision

HDR, love or hate?

So I have been doing a few HDR photos lately, and I always hear people saying that they love HDR's or hate them. I think that there is a time and place for them and when done at the right time it can bring a lot more life and "wow" factor to your image. What is your thoughts on them? Check it out! oldcar-2 littlefalls Blues Clues falls_

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Couple Portraits and a Iceberg

I tried to do all this in one post but for some reason blogger wouldn't allow me to add another photo. So here are a few more photos... Ethan Ethan JoeysnowJoey mia_prMaia candace by the trainCandace iceberg_Iceberg


So I pretty much forgot about this, Here are some photos!!! ethanmurphy_hs - Ethan at the high school in Corner Brook. joshfsflip - Josh frontside flip into the bank. Ethan - Ethan, frontside hurricane. cbs_bridge-3 - Corner Brook Stream trail bridge. startrail_pr - Star Trails! iceberg_qv- Iceberg.